10 Yellow Freshwater Aquarium Fish
All aquarium fish species come in a multitude of colors, patterns, and body shapes and sizes. The coloring, however, represents one of the main attractions, causing most people to use this metric when choosing their preferred species.
Today, we will discuss the 10 yellow freshwater fish suitable for single-species and community tanks. You most likely heard of some of them, while others may be completely new.
Let’s start with the most notorious of them all.
1. Yellow Guppy Fish
Guppies require no introduction; they’ve earned their reputation. Guppies are tropical fish, popular for their adaptability and high reproductive rates. They also come in an outstanding variety of colors and patterns, which is what earned them the name of ‘Rainbowfish.’
The yellow version is rarely clean. Yellow guppies display immense pattern variety as a result of decades of selective breeding. Some of them are so unique that we have bred them into completely new categories. Some of the most relevant yellow guppy options include:
- Yellow Snakeskin – The guppy displays a mix of yellow and orange around the head and thorax, which changes to nuances of blue and purple towards the tail. The caudal and dorsal fins will display a spotted pattern of yellow and black, reminding of a snake’s skin.
- Yellow Tuxedo Guppy – Light blue/Purple head, a black body, and light-yellow fins. This guppy delivers a spectacular presence, especially since it can exhibit large and fluffy caudal fins.
- Yellow Flame Guppy – This subspecies displays a somewhat metallic yellow causing a golden spark. Most guppies falling into this category will also showcase orange or red caudal fins.
Interesting facts:
- Female guppies can produce offspring in the absence of males thanks to their ability to store the male’s sperm inside their bodies up to a year; they will use it to self-inseminate and fertilize their eggs for months
- Male and female guppies don’t show any parental instincts and will eat their own fry given the opportunity
- Guppies are ranked based on numerous metrics, including colors, patterns, and tail size and shape
- The most expensive guppy is the Purple Moscow, reaching up to $100 per piece or more
2. Yellow Betta Fish
Bettas are famous for their exotic-looking fins, often making the fish appear twice as large. Bettas are almost as diverse as guppies in term of coloring and color patterns. You can find clean, single-color specimens or some exhibiting wild patterns with exotic combinations and shades.
Yellow Bettas can either display uniform yellow or showcase unexpected mixes with blue, purple, red, orange, and white. Bettas are adaptable fish and have undergone extensive selective breeding over the years. This means you can find an impressive variety of color patterns to select the one(s) that appeal to you the most.
Interesting facts:
- Bettas are more territorial and aggressive compared to other species; males can grow extremely aggressive towards other Betta males due to their dominant nature
- Bettas can reach a size of up to 3 inches and require at least 3 gallons of water per fish
- Bettas are among the few fish species capable of breathing atmospheric oxygen due to their special labyrinth organ
- This species is carnivorous, which, combined with its inherently aggressive nature, makes it incompatible with many peaceful tank fish
3. Yellow Molly Fish
Thanks to their amazing color and pattern diversity, mollies make for another thrilling, adaptable, and diverse fish species. They are easy-going creatures and have adapted to life in captivity impeccably over the years. They require little maintenance, making them the optimal choice for novice hobbyists.
An adult Molly fish can reach around 4 to 4.5 inches in size, while other species can even go up to 6 inches. They are great for community tanks due to their peaceful demeanor and friendly personality.
The yellow version comes with golden bodies with white abdomens and transparent caudal fins.
Interesting facts:
- The Molly fish is very sensitive to extreme temperature changes and ammonia, causing them to develop a species-specific disease called shimmies
- Mollies are generally herbivorous, thriving on plants and occasional algae; however, they can consume live food as well to supplement their nutrient intake with extra protein
- Mollies thrive in groups of at least 4 individuals, preferably larger; a group of 4 Mollies requires at least 40 gallons of water
- Molly females can deliver up to 100 babies every 35-45 days and will most likely eat them upon birth unless you intervene
4. Yellow Platy Fish
Platies are related to guppies, Mollies, and Swordfish since they all belong to the same Poeciliidae family. Their color and pattern diversity has led to the emergence of different categories of platies, separated by these metrics. Some notable names include the green lantern, the sunburst platy, the Mickey Mouse platy, and the dalmatian platy, but there are many others to consider.
They won’t grow more than 2.5 inches on average and prefer to live in groups of 10 or more individuals. This makes them ideal for community tanks, so long as their tank mates share their friendly and peaceful personalities.
Yellow platies often display black spots, black tails, and fins, or even red bellies to complement their coloring.
Interesting facts:
- Platies can thrive in temperatures varying between 65 F to 80 °F, making them far more adaptable and resilient than other aquarium species
- Provide their habitat with a darker substrate to boost their coloring
- Fin rot affects platies more than other species since the former have shorter fins, causing the disease to reach their bodies faster
5. Honey Gourami
Honey Gourami or Sunset Honey Gourami is a 3-inch-long fish coming in an impressive variety of colors. This species is adaptable and friendly, making it ideal for beginners. The Honey version displays color variations but will typically remain in the same range – honey-like coloring varying between intense red to smooth gold and yellow.
You can easily identify the Honey Gourami by its long, thread-like ventral fins used to ‘sense’ the environment. Females can grow up to 2 inches, while males are slightly smaller but more agile and jittery.
Interesting facts:
- Their ideal tank setup should include a lot of plants since male Gouramis can get violent towards one another
- Just like Bettas, Gouramis need to reach the water’s surface to breathe air from time to time
- Despite their small size, Gouramis require at least 5 gallons of water per fish
- The female Gourami can produce around 300 eggs during several spawns
6. Gold Barb
Gold barbs are aquarium world’s gold nuggets. There’s no other way to put it. They grow up to 3 inches and have stock and long bodies displaying reflective yellow with black patterns. Barbs are easy to maintain, and their peaceful attitude makes them ideal for community tanks.
It also doesn’t hurt that they share the same water conditions as many popular tank fish, including guppies. The ideal temperature revolves around 72 to 82 F, and they require a decent water current to stay comfortable since they come from fast-flowing streams. Other than that, they don’t need much so long as you provide them with quality food and ensure good living conditions.
Interesting facts:
- As schooling fish, Barbs require to live in groups of at least 6 members, preferably more; they will always stick together and move as one, especially when threatened
- Males change color when it mating mode; their belies will take on a red or orange-red nuance
- Adult Barbs may eat their own fertilized eggs, so you need to remove the adult fish soon after fertilization
7. Electric Yellow Cichlid
The Electric Yellow Cichlid is a natural predator and its overall look gives it away. The fish displays a long body with a big head and powerful jaws. This species is pure lemon-yellow with black or yellow ventral fins and a black stripe on its dorsal fin. Like all Cichlids, this species isn’t really a sweetheart; it displays a semi-aggressive attitude, especially towards more peaceful fish.
The Yellow Cichlid can grow up to 4 inches and live around 6 to 10 years in optimal conditions. You can keep several of them in the same tank so long as you limit the number of males and don’t pair them with smaller fish. You should ideally pair them with other Cichlids, preferably of similar size.
Interesting facts:
- The Yellow Cichlid is carnivorous in the wild but has adapted to an omnivorous diet in captivity
- Yellow Cichlids require a clean aquarium and pristine water conditions to remain healthy long-term; they are more sensitive to poor water quality
- Since they don’t require any special attention, these Cichlids are great for beginners
8. Gold Angelfish
The Gold Angelfish is a staple in the aquarium world with an unmistakable look. The fish’s triangle-shaped body displays a pointy head, a stock and bulky conformation, and a sharp and long dorsal fin. The caudal fin is also short but displays 2 long and thin lobes. The ventral fins are also long and flaccid, resembling whiskers.
The Angelfish can display a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, light red, green, pearl-blue, or spotted variations. This species will grow up to 6 inches and, as a Cichlid, may display aggressive behavior more often than other fish. It is omnivorous, which is another way of saying that the Angelfish can eat smaller tank mates.
Interesting facts:
- One Angelfish needs at least 20 gallons of water to remain active, healthy, and comfortable over the years
- Angelfish rank among the few fish species displaying fierce parental instincts; they will protect their eggs and care for their young until reaching 2 months of age
- Angelfish like to live in groups but don’t exhibit schooling or shoaling behavior
9. Yellow Koi Carp
Few people haven’t heard of the famous Koi yet. This Japanese fish has made its way all over the Globe, becoming a staple in the pond and aquarium world. The Yellow Koi Carp can grow in excess of 20-22 inches and will display a long and powerful body with a big mouth.
The Koi can live up to 30 years in captivity, making them preferred fish for outside ponds due to their size, coloring, and personality. The Yellow Koi Carp may display different varieties of yellow, including pattern-based, mixed with black, red, orange, or other nuances. The fish is friendly and can grow to impressive sizes, which doesn’t make it a good fit for community tanks.
Interesting facts:
- The most expensive Koi fish ever sold was ‘S Legend,’ valued at over $1,8 million; typical 4-inch large Koi can be bought for prices between $12 to $12,000, depending on your preferences
- The Koi has a changing diet depending on the season and the environmental temperatures; higher temperatures require a more protein-packed diet, while colder seasons demand slow-burning foods like wheat germ.
- Koi fish can’t digest carbs too well, so feeding them foods like bread and corn isn’t a good idea
10. Yellow Discus Fish
The Yellow Discus fish is shaped like a…disc. Few fish are as majestic as the Discus, especially when kept in groups. This species can measure around 8 to 10 inches and it’s notoriously difficult to care for. It’s only recommended to experienced hobbyists as they require more in-depth maintenance compared to other species.
The Yellow Discus Fish looks like a squashed lemon in terms of coloring and shape. It is almost round, displaying subtle color variations, including white and red stripes and spots. They also come in clean yellow.
Interesting facts:
- Despite being a Cichlid, the Discus fish is generally peaceful towards other species; male Discus, however, will compete over territory, food, and females and display a well-maintained pecking order
- The Discus fish is a schooling species and like to live in larger groups, requiring a large tank, at least 50 gallons
- Discus fish require higher water temperatures, revolving around 82 to 88 F; this alone makes them incompatible with a lot of other aquarium fish species
- Discus fish require weekly water changes and tank maintenance to remain healthy in the long-run; they are rather sensitive to parasitic infections stemming from dirty tanks
If you’re looking to craft a single-color tank and yellow is your favorite, this list is a good suggestion to consider. However, you shouldn’t rely on colors-only, especially when creating community habitats with multiple fish species. Many species on this list aren’t compatible to one another.
Also, some species are not meant for beginners since they are more difficult to care for in the long run. Research each species accordingly and make smart choices.