15 Angelfish Types You Should Know About

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This article will introduce you, to 15 types of angelfish you should know about as an angelfish lover and keeper. The angelfish is actually one of the most widely bought fish breed for in-door aquariums.

What makes them so popular? They are easy to care for and most importantly, they come in many colors and variations. So, without any further ado, let’s talk about the most common angelfish type:

1. Zebra Angelfish


Zebra Angelfish

The Zebra angelfish is the first we’re talking about. That’s because most people who own angelfish, are quite likely to have one or two of this version in their aquarium.

The Zebra grows up to 10 inches long, if cared for properly. The male and female will differ in appearance. If you choose to buy some of these fishes, you’ll need a proper aquarium.

For a group of 6 or more, a 30-gallon aquarium is a minimum. That’s because they spend most of their time swimming around. A smaller tank will make them feel uncomfortable.

Be sure to have a warm water environment set up, just like the natural habitat they are living in.

2. Marble Angelfish


Marble Angelfish

The Marble angelfish is somewhat similar to the previous, Zebra type. However, it can have black, white and yellow coloring in marbled patterns, thus its name. Just like the Zebra, the Marble likes to live in warm water environments.

But it’s best to keep a slightly acidic water inside the tank, because that’s where they thrive. Also, a 30-gallon fish tank is required to maintain a good spirit inside the aquarium. Especially for groups of 5 or more Marbles.

3. Black Veil Angelfish


Black Veil Angelfish

The Veil, or Black Veil Angelfish, is a result of over 40 years of selective breeding. Like its names suggests, it has a black coloring. If you choose to buy this type of angelfish, be aware that they need at least a 30-gallon fish tank. This is required not only for bigger groups, but for a pair of adults.

Also, you should keep the temperature between 76 – 84 degrees Fahrenheit. The ones raised in captivity, can be kept in water that has up to 7.8 pH level.

To make the Veils happy, you should plant the aquarium with a lot of driftwood and rocks.

4. Leopard Angelfish


Blue Leopard Angelfish

The Leopard angelfish are bred from an angelfish type found in the Amazon river with similar patterns. The coloring and the whole appearance are similar to those of a real leopard, thus its name.

It’s important that you keep the tank conditions at their best, because if lighting for instance isn’t ideal, the patterns and coloring of the fish can quickly fade away.

5. Black Lace Angelfish


Black Lace Angelfish

The Black Lace Angelfish is a more relaxed breed, that doesn’t seem to like a noisy environment. Differently from the others already mentioned, this type isn’t an active swimmer.

Like most of their comrades, the Black Lace Angelfishes like to stay in warm water, between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. But to be sure they are comfortable in your tank; you should keep the water at 78 degrees.

If you do everything right, they will grow pretty big: to over 6 inches in diameter and 14 inches tall.

6. Albino Angelfish


Albino Angelfish

The Albino is another type, that is bred in aquariums. In this form can’t be found in the Amazon river.

Their ancestors had a white and silver coloration and orange eyes and they preferred living in areas with lots of plants and roots, which offered protection from larger predators as well lots of food in form of insect larvae and worms.

You should keep medium sized fish together with Albinos. This is because Albinos will eat smaller fish ambushing them together.

Because of their nature, you can feed them with frozen and live food as well. But make sure everyone gets a share, because they move quite slowly.

7. Blushing Angelfish


Blushing Angelfish

This angelfish is quite different from the others in coloration. You can easily notice, that the only color present on the body of the fish, is a pair of blushing cheeks. Besides that, there is no pigmentation present anywhere on its body.

The water composition is all the same, as with the already mentioned breeds from above. The water temperature should be kept between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

8. Gold Angelfish


Gold Angelfish

This is another Veil angelfish, but this time, it’s gold in coloration. Among all the fish in this article, the Gold Angelfish is probably one of the most beautiful.

To make sure they thrive in your aquarium, you have to keep the water parameters all the time at the recommended levels. For instance, the pH level should be kept between 6.5 and 6.9. And the temperature, must be 76 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since they originate from the Amazon river, Gold Angelfish need an aquarium with abundant vegetation and wood, and also rocks.

9. Smokey Angelfish


Smokey Angelfish

Like its name suggests, this angelfish is not the most colorful. However, it surely looks stunning. Due to a darker pigmentation, the Smokey has patterns all over its body. These patterns aren’t symmetrical in any way. They can vary in intensity from total black to grey.

As the fish is getting older, the dark pigmentation will increase on its body. And sometime even darken as time goes on.

10. Altum Angelfish


Altum Angelfish (source)

The Altum Angelfish is a slightly more demanding fish breed than the ones before. Why? This type needs to be kept in special water conditions. For instance, the water temperature must be higher, at 82 to 90 degrees.

Also, the pH level has to be always between 4.8 and 6.2. This is especially important, because the Altums won’t do well in less acidic conditions. You must also make sure the water hardness stays below 5. If you do everything by the book, your Altums will live long and thrive happily in your aquarium.

11. Koi Angelfish


Koi Angelfish

The Koi Angelfish is quite similar to the Blushing and Gold Angelfish from above. It has a little bit of both. The coloration is made up of white, with golden on its head and genes. The average size they grow to, is 6 inches for males and females alike.

Like most other specimens, the Koi Angelfish does not need too much attention. The water temperature and other conditions are easily kept in the right gap. A 30-gallon fish tank is a minimum for this breed, just like the others from above.

12. Silver Angelfish


Silver Angelfish

If you want a very popular angelfish in your aquarium, the Silver is the one for you. They are easily in top 3 of the most popular angelfish breeds.

What makes them apart? Every Silver has 3 stripes on its body: one through the eye and 2 others through their body.

The color is silver, as you’d expect. If you want a fish that is easy to care for, the Silver is among the most durables out there. Basically, the Silver Angelfish is a great choice for new aquarium enthusiasts, who don’t yet have a lot of experience in fish keeping.

13. Platinum Angelfish


Platinum Angelfish

The Platinum Angelfish is a simple and still beautiful breed that should be present in every angelfish community. It has a white or greyish look, without any other shapes or models on its body.

Caring for it is quite easy: the water temperature should be set between 76 and 84 degrees, like with most angelfish. The pH level is also very similar: 6.5 – 6.9, but if cared for well, you can have them in water up to 7.8 in pH level.

14. Ghost Angelfish


Ghost Angelfish

The Ghost Angelfish is a larger category than one exact breed. You can buy many different types of Ghosts, but the most usual and popular is the Grey Ghost Angelfish.

This version is plain grey, without other models on the body. However, some of them, could spawn stripes when they get older, but this isn’t necessarily a rule. The Ghost Angelfish goes very well together with the previous Platinum. They look quite similar and have no negative effect on each other.

15. Clown Angelfish


Clown Angelfish

The Clowns are probably the most unpredictable when it comes down to look.

There are no two identical Clown Angelfish.

Most of their body is covered with all types of shapes, which differ from one Clown to another. The shapes are mostly black in color, but sometimes it can be mixed with orange too, it depends on their genetics.


Crossbreeding Different Types of Angelfish

If you plan on crossbreeding different types of angelfish, there are some things you must look out for. First of all, choose 2 species that aren’t aggressive to one another. This is essential, to maintain a good relationship among the two. Otherwise, they will never begin mating.

The second aspect to look out for, is the tank conditions. When 2 fish are in the mating period, you must keep the water conditions at a stable level. If this isn’t done properly, the whole breeding process could be stuttered.

Also, when you have the pair of angelfish ready, it’s best to set up a separate tank, only for them. There’s a good reason for this: other types of fish could destroy or simply eat the fertile eggs on the bottom of the tank. So, put the breeding pair in a different aquarium, to not risk something like this.

In addition, it is recommended when the eggs were fertilized by the male fish, to remove him from the tank. He might also swallow the eggs or the hatchlings. So, be cautious!

Water Parameter Requirements for Different Angelfish Types

Most types of angelfish have very similar needs regarding water parameters. You can see from above, that almost all of them feel comfortable in warm water, between 76 and 84 degrees. There are some exceptions though. I talked about them separately above, at their respective category.

Usually, caring for angelfish is quite simple. They don’t need very special water parameters, like other species. But keep in mind some of the exceptions mentioned above. For example, the Altum Angelfish is more demanding regarding water conditions. The temperature is needed to be kept higher, while the pH level lower than with most other breeds.

Feeding Different Angelfish Types

Feeding your angelfish is quite simple to do. For start, you need to know what type of food they eat. Luckily, almost all angelfish eat all kinds of food:

  • Cichlid Pellets
  • Vegetables
  • Cichlid Flakes
  • Worms
  • Plankton

You can give them frozen food as well, but first make sure it’s thawed, so they can eat it without any problems. Also, give them multiple types of food. This way, you’ll ensure their good health.

Most angelfish need to be fed 2 times a day. Don’t give them more than they can eat in 2 or 3 minutes. Otherwise, you’ll overfeed them, and they could get sick quickly.

Buying Rare Angelfish Types

If you decide to buy some angelfish, you’ll need to know where to buy rare types as well. The first place where you could buy such breeds, is the local pet store, if you have such a place near you.

The problem is, that most local stores don’t come with too many rare angelfish breeds. So, what should you do?

Take a look online! There are lots of great online markets that sell premium fish for reasonable prices. For instance, the AllPondSolutions website is great at offering many rare species at affordable prices. They are based in the UK, but you can order online, or find a store close to you.


In the end, it’s up to you to choose the best angelfish for your aquarium. Above, I introduced you to 15 different types, that all work well with indoor fish tanks.

Choosing the one for you, mostly depends on your liking. One thing is sure though: all of them look stunning in the right aquarium.

Author Image Fabian
I’m Fabian, aquarium fish breeder and founder of this website. I’ve been keeping fish, since I was a kid. On this blog, I share a lot of information about the aquarium hobby and various fish species that I like. Please leave a comment if you have any question.
Questions and Answers

This is mostly false info, please do more research. Most of the fish you said are naturally found in the Amazon are line bred captive raised fish only. They are not found in the wild.

    Hey Michael. You are right, there were some misinformation on the page and I’ve corrected it.
    Basically only the Altum angelfish can be found in the wild in its current form, but in the last few years people have started breeding them too in aquariums.
    I was wondering how many types of wild angelfish can still be found in the Amazon river after so much deforestation and large scale human activity. I think in couple of years, most of fish population will be missing from this river.

Hello, I have a question,
I’m new to having an freshwater aquarium and I was wondering about feeding time’s, can I change the times of feeding for only about a week or less, I’m going to my sons that lives in a different state, I feed my fish at 8am and at 7pm, my husband works from 4pm to 12am.

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