10 Silver Dollar Fish Tank Mates – List of Compatible Species

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Silver Dollar fish are an excellent pet whether kept in a species-only or a mixed-species aquarium. This fish is medium-sized, peaceful, and has a wide range of tolerated water parameters. Such qualities make fish easier to keep and look after.

You don’t have to worry much about tank size, violent behavior, or getting the perfect water temperature or hardness. Their balanced traits also allow you a lot of wiggle room when it comes to building the perfect community tank. The Silver Dollar fish will get along well with virtually any peaceful, similar-sized fish.

The freedom of choice might seem overwhelming. It’s easy to get lost when there are so many freshwater species to choose from. But no worries! I’ll tell you exactly what to look for to narrow down your search.

How To Choose Tankmates for Silver Dollar Fish?

The most compatible species will be the one most similar to the Silver Dollar fish in terms of:

– Fish Size

This is the golden rule of community tanks. Keep larger fish away from smaller fish. You don’t want a huge size difference. Otherwise, the number of smaller fish will dwindle rapidly, if you catch my drift.

Silver Dollar fish reach an average size of 6 inches. But you can expect them to measure anywhere between 4-8 inches. The ideal tank mates should be 3-8 inches long at most. If your Silver Dollar fish are on the larger side, their tank mates should also be closer to 6-8 inches long.

– Temperament

Silver Dollar fish are a peaceful, sociable shoaling species. When around other species, they tend to be timid and more reserved. Their goody-two-shoes personality makes them a poor match for aggressive or semi-aggressive tank mates. They can’t defend themselves, so they’re vulnerable to bullies.

Silver Dollar fish also get startled easily, so they need equally calm and easy-going tank mates. Opt for peaceful, non-territorial fish. Peaceful fish with territorial tendencies are alright, as long as they occupy different aquarium levels. Silver Dollars swim in the middle and upper levels. You can choose bottom-dwelling territorial fish.

– Water parameters:

Water parameters are quintessential to keeping happy, healthy fish. You wouldn’t want to keep saltwater fish in a freshwater aquarium, or vice-versa. Similarly, the tank mates you choose must have similar ideal ranges to your Silver Dollar fish.

This species’ water parameters include 75-82°F, 5.5-7.5 pH, and 4-17 dGH. So, stay away from fish that need cold, alkaline, or very soft water. Other than that, all species are fair game.

– Space requirements:

This has more to do with your tank set-up than the fish per se. For example, let’s say you have a 120-gallon aquarium, and your Silver Dollars require 75 gallons of that space. You wouldn’t want to choose other fish that need 75 gallons because you’ll overcrowd your aquarium.

So, if you have a limited space budget, you’ll want to opt for species with low requirements. If this doesn’t apply to you, you’ll have more options.

Now that we’ve got all that out of the way, I’m going to give you a list of the most compatible fish for your community tank. All of these species are a good match in terms of size, temperament, and parameters. I’ve also included species for all space budgets. Without further ado, here they are:

1. Emerald Corys

Cory Catfish are very popular due to their adaptability and lovable personalities. The Emerald Cory is no different. This charming fish is suitable for most community tanks and meets all the other requirements to make an excellent tank mate for Silver Dollar fish. Plus, their deep green sheen would contrast nicely with the bright silver body of the Dollar fish.

  • ize: 3.5 inches

The Emerald Cory grows up to 3.5 inches. But most adult fish measure 2.8-3.2 inches on average. 3.2 inches is still a decent size if you want to keep them around a 4-6-inch-long Dollar fish.

Despite their smaller size, Corys are capable of self-defense. This species comes equipped with sharp spines on its dorsal and pectoral fins. These will deter larger fish from eating them.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Emerald Corys are sweet and sociable. They prefer swimming in large groups of 10 or more fish. They’re also playful and they enjoy hiding, exploring, and chasing each other around the tank. You won’t have to worry about them causing any trouble.

Emerald Corys aren’t known to bully or attack other fish. They spend the majority of their time interacting with other catfish. They don’t even have territorial tendencies. They’ll be happy to share the tank with any peaceful fish, Silver Dollars included.

  • Water parameters: 72–79°F, 6.0–7.0 pH, 2-15 dGH

Emerald Corys prefer a narrower temperature range, but they can tolerate very soft water. Overall, there’s not a huge difference between the species. There’s enough overlap for you to find a happy medium.

  • Space requirements: 30 gallons

One single Cory can survive in as little as 10 gallons of water. But remember, this is a sociable schooling species. If you want the Corys to thrive, you’ll have to adopt at least 6 fish. This bumps up the space requirement to 30 gallons for a small school.

2. Rosy Barbs

Rosy Barbs in a Silver Dollar fish tank? That’s a no-brainer! These two species have lots in common. There’s no way to go wrong with this combo. Plus, Rosy Barbs are an easily-accessible, hardy, and beginner-friendly species. They’re low-effort but high-reward. Plus their salmon-pink coloration transforms the appearance of any well-planted aquarium.

  • Size: 6 inches

Rosy Barbs are the perfect size for any Silver Dollar fish tankmate. Growing up to 6 inches long, these Barbs are neither too small nor too large.

Whether your Dollar fish are 4 inches long, or 8 inches long, there’s not going to be a radical size difference between these species.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Most Barbs have the reputation of being semi-aggressive. Rosy Barbs, though, are on the calmer side. This fish is perfectly happy sharing its space with other species as long as there’s enough room.

The only exception is tankmates with long fins. Like other species in its genus, Rosy Barbs will nip on long, flowing fins. They can’t help it! Luckily, Dollar fish have short and neat fins that won’t set off their tank mates.

  • Water parameters: 64-77°F, 6.0-8.0 pH, 5-10 dGH

Rosy Barbs aren’t tropical fish per se. But they’re not cold-water either. In the wild, they’re usually found in subtropical areas where temperatures are on the lower side. They can still adapt and live healthily in temperatures up to 77°F.

  • Space requirements: 30 gallons

Rosy Barbs have very low space requirements. Each fish needs a minimum of just 5 gallons of water. The only problem is that they’re a shoaling species. You’ll have to keep at least six of them. That means you’ll need 30 gallons.

3. Loaches

Loaches can be anywhere between 2-12 inches long, depending on the species. The best-sized ones that I’d recommend are the Yoyo Loach, Kuhli Loach, and Zebra Loach. There’s a slight variation between these fish, but overall, each one meets the species profile of a good tankmate.

  • Size: 3-6 inches

Yoyo, Kuhli, and Zebra Loaches are roughly the same size. Yoyo Loaches vary the most in size, measuring between 3-6 inches long. Kuhli and Zebra Loaches reach 4 inches on average.

Loaches 4 inches and longer are suitable tankmates for Silver Dollars of any size. A 3-inch Loach should be kept with Dollar fish of 6 inches and under.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

These three species are all calm and very accepting of other tankmates. These Loaches aren’t territorial or easily agitated. In fact, they love playing and interacting with other fish. They’ll get along well with any peaceful species. Like other Loaches, these three fish spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank.

They prefer to keep themselves entertained by hiding, digging holes, chasing one another, or searching for leftover foods buried in the substrate. Keep in mind that Dollar fish swim in the middle to upper layers. Thus, the two species won’t meet often.

  • Water parameters: 73-80°F, 6.0-7.0 pH, ~6 dGH

The water parameters vary quite a bit between species. But all three Loaches can tolerate the above ranges. These values also overlap with Silver Dollar’s ideal numbers. If you want to get more technical, here are the exact values for each Loach species:

Kuhli Loach: 75–85°F, 6.0–7.0 pH, 0–6 dGH

Yoyo Loach: 73–82°F, 6.0–7.6 pH, 3-10 dGH

Zebra Loach: 73–79°F, 6.0–6.5 pH, 5-12 dGH

  • Space requirements: 30-40 gallons

Most Loaches are sociable fish. They must have company to feel at home. The same applies to Zebras, Kuhlis, and Yoyos. You’ll have to keep each of these species in groups of at least five fish.

Therefore, you’ll need at least 30 gallons to keep a school or Kuhlis or Zebras. Yoyo Loaches are slightly larger on average and will require a minimum of 40 gallons.

4. Denison Barbs

The Denison Barb is also known as the “Rosaline Shark”. Compared to most common Barbs, Denisons have less rounded and slightly more elongated bodies. They resemble other medium-sized freshwater sharks, hence their nickname. But unlike their lookalikes, Denison Barbs are rather friendly.

  • Size: 6 inches

Here we have yet another species that’s right in the middle. Growing up to 6 inches in length, Denison Barbs are perfect tank mates for Dollarfish of any size.

They won’t be able to eat even a smaller 4-inch Silver Dollar fish. A full-grown 8-inch Dollar fish won’t represent a danger for them either.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Denison Barbs are peaceful but boisterous fish. They don’t look for trouble and they’re not known to bully other tank mates. They aren’t even fin-nippers. So, they can be kept with a variety of medium-sized peaceful fish.

The problem is that they’re highly active and energetic. You’ll need to provide plenty of space, or else they’ll bump into the slower-swimming fish. When there’s not enough room, Denisons become impatient and highly competitive, especially at feeding time.

  • Water parameters: 60-77°F, 6.6-7.8 pH, 5-25 dGH

Denison Barbs prefer colder water, but will still thrive in temperatures up to 77°F. They can also tolerate soft to very hard water. Their ideal values provide enough wiggle room. You can easily accommodate both Denisons and Dollar fish.

  • Space requirements: 55 gallons

Denison Barbs are medium-sized and highly active. Their speedy swimming style and short temper result in a higher space requirement. On top of that, this species prefers living in groups of at least six. That’s why you’ll need a minimum of 55 gallons to meet their needs.

5. Zebra Angelfish

Angelfish don’t have an innocent reputation, despite what their name would have you believe. Most species are territorial, feisty, and tend to bully smaller fish. Zebra Angelfish distinguish themselves from the crowd.

This species is both peaceful and community-friendly. Just be careful not to mix them up with other semi-aggressive but similar-looking species (like the Altum or the Silver Angelfish).

  • Size: 6 inches

Most Angelfish measure around 6 inches so no surprises here. And Like other Angelfish, Zebras have large dorsal and abdominal fins.

These make the fish look a lot taller. Thus, larger fish will be too intimidated to eat them. Not that Zebra Angelfish have any reason to fear similar-sized Dollar fish.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Zebra Angelfish are mostly tame. They don’t swim around looking for a fight and they’re unlikely to bully other fish. In fact, Zebra Angelfish can be timid, especially around larger species. They start exhibiting territorial tendencies during mating. But as long as you provide enough space, Zebra Angelfish won’t bother their tankmates.

  • Water parameters: 75–82°F, 6.8–7.0 pH, 4-10 dGH

Angelfish have narrower ideal ranges than Silver Dollar fish. However, both species can thrive in the same aquarium. Like Dollar fish, Angelfish can enjoy warm, neutral, and soft to moderately hard water.

  • Space requirements: 30 gallons

The less good news is that Zebra Angelfish need quite a bit of space. You’ll need a minimum of 30 gallons for one fish and at least 40 gallons for a pair. Add to that even more if you’re planning to keep multiple fish.

The good news is that Angelfish don’t need to be kept in a group. If you really want to add Angelfish to the tank, but don’t have lots of room, you can keep just one or two fish.

6. Gouramis

You can choose between a variety of Gourami species. Just remember— the fish must be peaceful and 3-8 inches long. Here are just some of the fish that meet the criteria:

There are many colorful and interesting options, as you can see. But each fish varies slightly in terms of size, water parameters, and space requirements. For the sake of brevity, I’m just going to give you the averages for most Gourami species. For more detailed information, make sure to check an in-depth species profile.

  • Size: 3-6 inches

Some of the aforementioned species grow up to 6 inches long. Others stop growing at 3 inches. Choose Gouramis 5 inches and up if your Dollar Fish are 7-8 inches long.

A 3-inch Gourami would only be a suitable tank mate for Dollar fish under 6 inches. All this being said, the average size for these Gouramis is 4 inches. A 4-inch Gourami should be safe next to most Dollar fish.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Most Gouramis are calm and peaceful. That’s why they’re among the top choices for freshwater community tanks. They’re so non-aggressive, that they can live alongside smaller fish. This is a rarity as even the most peaceful fish might bully the smaller guys when given the chance.

Some species, like the Kissing Gourami, are more territorial and hot-headed. But I wouldn’t worry about that too much. Gouramis are slow swimmers and unlikely to hurt any fish in the tank. Just so you know, their tough act is for show!

  • Water parameters: 74–82°F, 6.0-7.0 pH, 5-12 dGH

All Gourami species I’ve mentioned can thrive with these water values. These also coincide with the Silver Dollar’s ideal ranges. But you’ll see a lot of diversity from one species to another.

For example, some Gouramis have very narrow tolerable hardness levels (4-10 dGH). Others can thrive with values as wide as 2-25 dGH.

  • Space requirements: 30 gallons

Gouramis aren’t a shoaling species per se but they’re very sociable. You should keep them in groups of at least four. For most species, this will mean a minimum requirement of 30 gallons.

Kissing Gouramis are the exception. They’re territorial and they have an attitude. You don’t want to keep them in cramped conditions. You’ll need a minimum of 50 gallons for one fish or a pair and an additional 35 gallons for each extra fish.

7. Bristlenose Plecos

Bristlenose Plecos aren’t colorful like other species. But their alien-like appearance compensates for that. They still make an impression thanks to their wide, flattened heads and their many face tentacles.

Despite the intimidating look, this Pleco is a harmless herbivore. Its sweet temperament and adaptable nature make the Bristlenose an ideal tank mate for Silver Dollar fish.

  • Size: 4-5 inches

Bristlenose Plecos are perfect tank mates for most species, Dollar fish included. They won’t eat smaller fish, because they’re herbivorous bottom-feeders. And larger fish won’t represent a danger for Plecos either.

The Bristlenose Pleco is very wide and has tough skin. The protruding head tentacles wouldn’t help its predators either.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Bristlenose Plecos are so mellow and easy-going that you won’t even know they’re there. During the day, they either hide or lie around lazily. Their brown bodies help them blend in with the tank decor almost seamlessly. They aren’t territorial, competitive, or easily disturbed.

Even when other fish venture to the bottom of the tank, Plecos remain unphased. Their only interest seems to be snacking on algae and looking for leftovers throughout the tank. As long as they can stuff their faces, nothing else seems to bother them. How relatable!

  • Water parameters: 73–81°F, 5.7–7.8 pH, 2–20 dGH

Except for a 1-2 point difference here and there, the Bristlenose Pleco and the Silver Dollar have very similar water parameters. This is great news! You won’t have to thread a thin line like you would when acclimating other species.

  • Space requirements: 30 gallons

Bristlenose Plecos might be slow and sedentary most of the time. But they like having a wide area to traverse when searching for food. This scavenging fish needs at least 30 gallons worth of space to be happy. And if you want to keep more than one Pleco, you’ll need 10 additional gallons per extra fish.

8. Giant Danios

Danios are excellent community fish. They’re friendly, adaptable, hardy, and low-maintenance. It’s such a shame that they’re too small to be kept with medium and large-sized fish! If only Danios could grow larger than 2.5 inches long!

Well, that’s where the Giant Danio comes to save the day. Unlike other popular Danio species, this fish can safely be housed with medium species like the Silver Dollar. This fish comes with all the benefits of regular Danios, and more!

  • Size: 4-6 inches

This is a big boy, at least by Danio standards. If you’re looking for a party-size Danio specimen, you’ve found it! At an average of 5 inches long, the Giant Danio makes a suitable tank mate for Silver Dollar fish of all sizes!

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Giant Danios are well-behaved around larger or similar-size fish. As long as there’s enough room in the aquarium, they won’t bother the Dollar fish. Overall, you could describe them as peaceful but boisterous. But you should know this fish is not always innocent.

Like other medium and larger fish, Giant Danios aren’t strangers to power trips. They won’t hesitate to chase, bite, and sometimes eat the smaller fish in the tank just because. And when the aquarium is cramped, their territorial tendencies become more apparent. I suggest only keeping Giant Danios if you have a roomy aquarium.

  • Water parameters: 72–76°F, 6.8–7.5 pH, 5-19 dGH

Giant Danios prefer slightly cooler temperatures than the Silver Dollar fish. Their tolerable range is a bit wider, but they thrive when the water is 72–76°F. Luckily, Silver Dollar fish can also tolerate temperatures down to 75°F.

  • Space requirements: 55 gallons

Giant Danios are fast swimmers with a short temper. Furthermore, an overstocked aquarium will bring out their territorial behavior.

They need lots of room, for the sake of the other fish in the tank. A 55-gallon aquarium that’s at least 3 feet long is the bare minimum.

9. Sailfin Mollies

Sailfin Mollies are among the most popular Molly species in the aquarium trade. They’re beginner-friendly and highly adaptable. There are not a lot of ways you can go wrong as long as you keep the water clean and stable.

Apart from their non-demanding nature, Sailfin Mollies are also very beautiful. That’s always a plus! If you like fish with big dorsal fins and bright coloration, you should give this species a try!

  • Size: 4-5 inches

Most Mollies are actually decent-sized at 3-6 inches long. Sailfin Mollies are right in the middle of that range. They should get along well with their Dollar fish tank mates. Even at 8-inches in length, a Silver Dollar fish won’t be large enough to eat this Molly fish.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Mollies are peaceful and shy. They aren’t known to fin-nip or bully other fish in the tank. If anything, they’ll spend a lot of time hiding when around “strangers”. They get agitated easily. Under high-stress conditions (think aggressive tank mates or crowded conditions) they become more hostile.

They need the company of other Mollies to feel happy and safe. I recommend keeping Sailfin Mollies in groups of at least four. Also, pay attention to the ratio of male to female Mollies. Molly fish don’t attack other tankmates but can turn against each other when competing for mating privileges.

  • Water parameters: 68–82°F, 7.0–8.5 pH, 15-30 dGH

Sailfin Mollies have a very wide range of water parameters. They can tolerate temperatures below 70°F, highly alkaline pH values, and very hard water.

It’s a unique combo as we rarely see fish so adaptable to “harsh” water conditions. You’ll have no problem getting this Molly to accommodate to a Dollar fish tank.

  • Space requirements: 30 gallons

Sailfin Mollies grow about 1 inch larger than the average Molly fish. Thus, they need a bit more space than other species. Plus, they also need lots of plants and hiding spaces. If you want to keep a small group of four Sailfins, aim for a tank 30-gallons or larger.

10. Banded Rainbowfish

Banded Rainbowfish are perfect if you want to add lots of color to the aquarium. This species comes in a combo of different colors including red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. It has shimmering scales and highly contrasting fins.

Seeing a group of Rainbowfish swimming about is an unbeatable sight. Besides its mesmerizing beauty, this fish is also highly compatible with other peaceful, medium-sized fish.

  • Size: 6 inches

The Banded Rainbowfish grows up to 6 inches long. This size puts it well within the safe range. Whether you have smaller or larger Silver Dollar fish, there won’t be a considerable size difference between the species.

  • Temperament: Peaceful

Unless we’re talking about males competing with each other, the Rainbowfish is pretty chill. Around other similar-sized species, the Rainbowfish acts passive and disinterested. That doesn’t mean that they’re timid or unable to defend themselves though! Banded Rainbowfish become territorial and hostile during breeding.

To minimize this behavior, you’ll have to separate the male fish. Don’t keep multiple males together. Other than that, you won’t have to worry about this species. Rainbowfish won’t bully Silver Dollar fish. The two won’t even interact much, as long as there’s enough room for both fish to claim their own spaces.

  • Water parameters: 73–80°F, 6.5–8.0 pH, 8-20 pH

Rainbowfish thrive in warm, slightly acidic to alkaline, and moderately hard to very hard water. Their parameters allow you some leeway to find a common ground. It’s not challenging to create an environment suitable for both species.

  • Space requirements: 55 gallons

The only disadvantage here is that Banded Rainbowfish need lots of space. They’re a sociable and active species.

Rainbowfish feel best when living in a shoal of at least six members, preferably one to two males and majority females. It’s not hard to see why you’d want a minimum of 55 gallons.


The Silver Dollar fish is highly compatible in most community tanks. This species is medium-sized, peaceful, and has pretty standard water parameters. You don’t have to search far and wide to find some suitable tankmates.

Emerald Corys, Rosy Barbs, Loaches, most Gouramis, Plecos, Mollies, and Rainbowfish are just some examples of highly compatible species you can add to your Dollar fish tank. There’s no shortage of colorful and entertaining species for your aquarium.

The list I’ve included in this article isn’t anywhere near exhaustive. You can pretty much choose any medium-sized, non-aggressive freshwater fish. So, if you have any other ideas for suitable tank mates, leave them in the comment below!

Author Image Fabian
I’m Fabian, aquarium fish breeder and founder of this website. I’ve been keeping fish, since I was a kid. On this blog, I share a lot of information about the aquarium hobby and various fish species that I like. Please leave a comment if you have any question.
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