Yellow Tang – Species Profile & Facts
Few fish species are more popular than the Yellow Tang when it comes to reef or live rock setups.
The Yellow Tank comes with an unmistakable presence, displaying a vivid yellow and a unique cartoon-like look.
The fish is almost round with a protruding snout, perfectly designed for grazing algae from rocks and crevices where normal-mouthed fish can’t reach.
If that wasn’t enough, the Yellow Tang can change color depending on the amount of light it receives. It’s bright yellow during the day and turns slightly brown during nighttime.
This is most likely a defensive evolutionary feature, allowing the Yellow Tang to become less visible to nocturnal predators. And there are quite a few Yellow Tang predators in the wild, including sharks, octopi, any large carnivorous fish, and even some species of large crabs.
But what about domesticated Yellow Tangs? Are they difficult to maintain, and what do you need to accommodate them in a close aquatic system? That’s exactly what we’ll be discussing today. But let’s start with the beginning.
What is a Yellow Tang?
The Yellow Tang is a proud and flashy member of the Acanthuridae family, which includes surgeonfish, unicornfish, and, naturally, tangs.
There are 3 primary characteristics that define both Yellow Tangs and other members of the Acanthuridae family:
- Modified scales – Yellow tangs possess sharp and pointy scales near their caudal fin, one on each side of their tail, right at the base. These growths are extremely sharp, albeit not that long, and are capable of inflicting serious damage to any attacker. This is exactly why the Yellow Tang uses them as weapons, swinging their tail to cut or stab when threatened.
- Preference for a solitary lifestyle – Yellow Tangs have no problems living alone and only meeting for reproductive purposes. Neither the males nor the females will show any care for the eggs or the resulting fry. That being said, Yellow Tangs can tolerate each other, provided there’s enough space to lower the risk of territorial aggression.
- Curious schooling behavior at times – It seems that most Acanthuridae resort to schooling behavior at times, especially when feeding on algae around reefs and coral structures. The theory is that their behavior aims to intimidate other algae-feeding fish looking for food in the same areas. However, it’s unlikely to observe this behavior in your tank Yellow Tangs, primarily due to the difficulty of keeping more than one fish.
As you will see, the Yellow Tang is anything but a boring and inconspicuous fish. It will make for an interesting addition to your tank, provided you’re ready for some sacrifices along the way.
Let’s see what that’s all about.
How Long do Yellow Tang Live?
In the wild, the Yellow Tang can live up to 30 years. In captivity, it’s unlikely to go beyond 10.
This, of course, depends on a variety of factors, including diet, quality of care, and even genetic makeup. While you can’t modify the latter, your impact on the former two factors will make all the difference.
We will go through these aspects in the following sections.
How Big do Yellow Tang Get?
The Yellow Tang will generally grow up to 8 inches in the wild, which seems to be the maximum size, although slightly larger Tangs have been reported.
However, don’t expect your Yellow Tang to grow more than 5-6 inches, even with the best care. The fish doesn’t grow as much in captivity for the same reasons that drop its lifespan by a third compared to its feral counterparts.
Some of these reasons include the difficulty to mimic the fish’s natural diet, unstable water parameters, and even the stress of living in a close environment.
You can improve some of these parameters, but never enough to provide the Yellow Tang with a lifespan close to wild specimens.
This is a curious fact more than anything, especially since studies have shown that 80% or more mammals live longer in captivity than in the wild.
They also grow larger due to the extra food and spending less energy to get it.
Fish, however, are different. They grow larger and live longer in the wild compared to captivity, and it isn’t clear why that is.
One of the theories is that fish experience higher stress levels in the tank compared to the wild.
What Does Yellow Tang Eat?
Yellow Tangs’ diet consists primarily of plant-based foods. They rank as herbivorous fish, but they will occasionally munch on meaty foods for some extra protein.
Feeding the Yellow Tang is generally easy, especially if you’ve already provided the fish with an adequate tank setup. The Yellow Tang will get a lot of its food from the reefs, corals, or live rocks decorating their habitat.
They will prioritize algae and various plant matter while also consuming sources of animal protein whenever possible. This has led to quite a confusion about the optimal diet layout for Yellow Tangs.
It appears that some people even feed them carnivorous diets, as the Yellow Tang already gets a lot of greens from its environment via algae. Others only feed them vegetables and ignore animal protein altogether.
Neither of these situations is ideal, in my opinion. While the Yellow Tang can survive on either diet plan, these are suboptimal in the long run.
The Yellow Tang primarily requires veggies and plant matter, which should make up at least 70-80% of their diet. The rest should include some form of protein, preferably coming from marine animals.
These contain nutrients and amino acids that do not exist in plant-sourced foods.
The conclusion is simple. Provide your Yellow Tang with a live rock system to ensure a constant flow of algae and feed them twice per day to supplement their diet.
Depending on what they like, you can provide them with homegrown veggies like broccoli, lettuce, carrots, kale, or zucchini. If necessary, consider relying on supplementation of vitamins and minerals.
Once or twice a week, you can provide your Yellow Tang with some live food treats like brine shrimp, bloodworms, or marine fish meat.
What Tank Size do Yellow Tang Need?
At least 50 gallons for one specimen. Such space requirements are rather unusual for a 6-inch fish, but it makes sense once you understand the context.
And the context comes down to the following:
- Increased territorial behavior – Yellow Tangs are very territorial fish, especially towards their own kind. If you have more than one Yellow Tangs in the same habitat, be prepared to witness territorial aggression, especially if the fish aren’t added to the environment at the same time. Yellow Tangs will rely on their rock layout to determine their territorial boundaries, which often cover the entire tank. You will probably need 90 gallons of water for 2 Yellow Tangs to lower their territorial aggression. Some people even recommend 90 gallons for one Yellow Tang only, so you have that as well.
- A special tank layout needed – You cannot have a Yellow Tang setup without a healthy amount of rocks and reef or live rock structures. These represent the Yellow Tang’s natural habitat, so you need the extra space to accommodate those elements. Plus, the Yellow Tang requires a lot of open swimming space, boosting the tank’s size even further because of that.
- Extremely active behavior – Yellow Tangs tend to be very active fish, roaming their environment throughout the day. If you keep them in a tight tank, they might display signs of stress, become lethargic, and display low appetite. They may even get sick as a result. Provide your Yellow Tang with at least 50 gallons of water to support its active personality.
Best Water Parameters for Yellow Tang
The Yellow Tang is present throughout the Pacific Ocean, primarily around shallow reefs around Hawaii and Japan.
This is another way of saying that Tangs prefer tropical conditions with clear waters, stable parameters, and higher temperatures, preferably around 75-80 F. The pH should typically rest around 8 to 8.4, although some slight variations are acceptable.
If there’s one thing that the Yellow Tang hates, that’s poor water conditions. I know that this seems like a given for most fish species, but it’s especially true for Yellow Tangs due to their predisposition towards some marine water disorders.
We will discuss these shortly.
Do Yellow Tangs Need a Filter?
Yes, they do, especially given their aquarium’s layout. The filter will not only support the Yellow Tangs but the coral or live rock system as well.
The only problem I’m seeing here relates to the filter’s type and power capabilities.
An adequate filtering system should provide 3 filtration effects:
- Mechanical – Removing large and small floating particles like dirt, food leftovers, fish waste, decaying organic matter, etc.
- Biological – Housing nitrifying bacteria that transform ammonia and nitrites into nitrates.
- Chemical – Removing any harmful chemicals that could poison the environment, including ammonia, heavy metals, chlorine, and chloramines.
The filter should also be powerful enough to manage a larger water volume fast. In this sense, the flow rate and the resulting currents are of particular concern since powerful water currents could damage the reef or live rock structure.
To fix this issue, you either properly manage the filter’s positioning to avoid the currents from hitting the rocks directly or rely on a 2-filter system.
The latter is a common strategy for large tanks, in excess of 70-90 gallons due to adding more stability to the environment.
Do Yellow Tang Need a Heater?
Yes, they require a heater since these are tropical-water fish that take great pleasure in warmer waters. They also take pleasure in stable temperatures since massive or sudden fluctuations can affect their immune system and stress them out.
This can lead to diseases, many of which are contagious and deadly.
A water heater will keep the fish’s system stable and safe, improving the Yellow Tang’s comfort and allowing it to remain active in the long run.
The main problem you’ll need to tackle is uneven heat distribution if you’re keeping more than one Tang or setting up a community aquarium.
This is a common issue in large tanks, especially those decorated with large live rock structures.
One heating system alone can’t really stabilize the water temperature uniformly in a 100-gallon tank, which you need if you’re aiming for a community setting.
Having one heater in such a vast space will only cause the water to become too hot in one area and not warm enough in the opposite one. I suggest 2 heaters to circumvent this problem.
This will distribute the heat uniformly, increasing the water temperature evenly from opposite points.
Can Yellow Tang Live with Other Fish?
Yes, Yellow Tangs can live with other fish species. To get this out of the way, Yellow Tangs make for poor tank mates towards one another.
Keeping more than one Yellow Tang in the same habitat will lead to aggressive behavior and constant fights over territory, food, and hierarchical positioning.
You can’t make it work if you add the Yellow Tangs at the same time in the environment.
This way, they will become acquainted with one another gradually.
However, you will have more chances of creating a stable environment by pairing Yellow Tangs with other fish species.
Some of these include:
- Chromis fish – This is a schooling and peaceful species that won’t mind the presence of a Yellow Tang in their habitat. The good thing is that this works both ways.
- Bangaii Cardinal fish – This is a reef species that share the Yellow Tang’s feeding habits. They will fit right in, provided they have the space necessary to avoid the Yellow Tangs.
- Clownfish – Smaller than the Yellow Tangs, these fish will keep to themselves and pose no risks to the former. The Yellow Tang won’t mind them either, provided they have enough room available.
Other potentially compatible species include other Tangs (Sailfin, Hippo, Clown, etc.), Royal Gramma, Cleaner Wrasse, Lyretail Anthias, etc. Interestingly enough, you can probably make any species work, given you have enough room.
Except for large and predatorial species like sharks, obviously.
But, other than that, many fish species will accommodate in a Yellow Tang environment. It’s just that you need to make sure there’s enough space for everybody.
You will most likely require 100 gallons at least for any community setup that includes at least one Yellow Tang. If you plan on keeping several fish species, I recommend 150 gallons or more.
Are Yellow Tang Hardy?
Yes, but nothing out of the ordinary. They’re generally as healthy and hardy as their environment allows them to be.
If their water parameters are stable and their diets balanced, your Yellow Tangs will remain healthy and active for years to come.
That being said, they do struggle with some health problems, as we will see in the following section.
Are Yellow Tangs Prone to Diseases?
Yes. Yellow Tangs showcase a higher risk of contracting saltwater Ich or Cryptocaryon irritans. This disorder comes in 2 forms, either White Spots or Black Spots.
The first form is the result of the I multifiliis protozoan, a pathogen that causes a variety of symptoms, including ragged fins, white spots covering the body, and scratching behavior.
It is highly viral, capable of spreading to other viable hosts within the environment fast.
The Black Spots form is the result of the Paravortex turbellaria, which are flatworms sticking to the fish’s skin.
This is also contagious but not as dangerous as the White Spot form. Either way, both conditions require immediate treatment to prevent their spread and contain the damages.
HLLE (Head and Lateral Line Erosion) is another disorder of interest. If this doesn’t sound familiar, try Hole-in-the-Head disease. This condition doesn’t have a clear cause, mostly resulting from a weaker immune system, rendering the fish vulnerable to secondary infections. The resulting parasites and bacteria attacking the fish destroy the skin tissue around the head, mouth, and neck, hence, the name.
Other than that, your Yellow Tang may also fall victim to the regular fish conditions that plague most freshwater and saltwater fish. These include dropsy, nitrite and nitrate poisoning, ammonia poisoning, fin rot, etc.
If there’s one silver lining to notice here, that would be the impact of poor water conditions. A dirty tank with poor water ranks as the number one cause in many of these conditions.
So, proper tank maintenance and an adequate diet should strengthen your Yellow Tangs enough to avoid these conditions.
If your Yellow Tang shows signs of sickness, quarantine the fish immediately to contain the disorder in case it’s contagious.
Yellow Tangs are popular reef fish thanks to their personalities and overall presence. But they do require adequate care to prevent health issues in the long run.
Fortunately, they can accommodate in a community environment pretty easily, provided they have enough space at their disposal.
Consider my advice on accommodating Yellow Tangs in your aquarium, and you will dramatically increase your fish’s life quality.