Can Corydoras Live in Cold Water?

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Corydoras are some of the most beloved catfish species thanks to their high adaptability and resilience. These fish have adapted to survive in poor water conditions, as they inhabit quite muddy waters in the wild.

They can also withstand an impressive range of temperatures which brings us to today’s topic.

Can these fish live in cold water, and how cold is too cold? The shortest answer is that it depends.

There are currently slightly over 160 species of Corydoras, and they don’t all have the same living requirements and standards.

Some Corydoras can endure temperatures as low as 65 °F or even lower, while others are more comfortable with a minimum threshold of 70-72 °F. So, let’s discuss the details.

Ideal Temperature for Corydoras

The ideal temperature for most cory catfish rests between 73 and 80 °F. There are some species for whom the ideal range is lower, typically between 70 and 76 °F, as is the case with panda Corydoras.

This means you should always learn the ideal parameters for your preferred cory catfish breed.

This will allow you to craft a personalized aquatic setup for the catfish to provide them with a safe and comfortable stay.

Problems Caused by Low Temperature

I would say that there are 4 primary issues linked to the low water temperature when it comes to cory catfish:

  1. High stress – This is the first problem worth mentioning because it’s the first one you will notice. Your cory catfish will experience stress when kept in low-temperature waters, which can influence their behavior significantly. Stressed catfish experience low appetite, hiding behavior, large periods of inactivity, and, of course, a lower immune system. The latter can become fatal as it leaves the catfish vulnerable to the numerous parasites and bacteria that colonize any aquatic setup.
  2. Lethargy – Lethargy is the most obvious sign that something’s not right with your cory catfish. Unfortunately, this one is more difficult to detect, given that Corydoras are especially inactive during the day. You should learn how to distinguish between your fish’s healthy behavior and the abnormal one that may hint at some health problems.
  3. Digestive problems – This may sound like an unexpected entry, but many fish experience digestive issues due to extremely low water temperatures. The reason for that is the fish’s biological response to low temperatures. The colder the water gets, the slower the fish’s metabolic rates, causing the digestive system to slow down dramatically. This means that any additional food will just stack inside the fish’s intestine, causing bloating, constipation, and even triggering a form of swim bladder disease.
  4. Temperature shock and death – This is the end-case scenario typically resulting from extreme temperature drops or drastic fluctuations. Drastic temperature shifts can cause your catfish to experience shock and even sudden death. This is unlikely to occur, especially if you pay attention to your catfish’s tank parameters, but it’s worth mentioning nonetheless. The most common trigger for temperature shock is the lack of acclimation before adding new catfish to the tank. To prevent temperature shock, you should always acclimate your fish properly to even out the temperature between the fish’s bowl/bag and the tank.

In essence, Corydoras don’t mind cold waters, depending on the breed, but only temporarily.

Ensure stable water parameters, temperature especially, and the risks I’ve just mentioned will be minimal-to-nonexistent.

Why You Should Use a Heater for Corydoras?

I recommend using a heater for all catfish species, no matter their preferred temperature range.

Yes, you should use the heater even for breeds more accustomed to cold waters. The primary reason for that is stability.

You want to prevent temperature fluctuations which can trigger temperature shock when you least expect it. I cannot overstate the dangers of temperature shock and how prevalent it is, even among coldwater species.

The heater will allow for a greater degree of control so that you can monitor and adjust the environmental temperature as you see fit.

This piece of equipment is even more important if you plan on breeding your catfish. In that case, you need means to increase the water temperature to cater to the catfish’s needs during the mating phase.

Can You Keep Cory Catfish in Outside Pond?

Yes, you can keep cory catfish in outdoor ponds if you so choose. After all, these fish thrive in the wild in a variety of environmental conditions.

The only aspects to consider include:

  • Temperature stability – If the outdoor temperature is unfit for catfish or fluctuates drastically between day and night, you might want to keep your catfish indoors.
  • The right breeds – Not all catfish are fit for outdoor life. Some species prefer higher temperatures, so you want to keep them in a warmer environment. If you reside in a tropical region with high and stable outdoor temperatures, the sky is the limit. If not, choose your catfish breed carefully.
  • Predators and contaminants – This consideration applies to all pond fish, not just catfish. Make sure your fish are safe from predators like birds, reptiles, and even pets, given that the pond is a target for a variety of animals. Some surface plants or leaves can mask the fish and provide them with much-needed shade, which catfish will appreciate.

Finally, choose your catfish tankmates carefully if you’re going for a community pond.

Make sure your catfish are safe, and comfortable and won’t risk getting eaten or attacked by their larger or more aggressive pond mates.

What Fish Can Live in Cold Water?

Fortunately, dozens of aquarium fish can thrive in low-temperature conditions.

Some of the most notorious ones include:

  • Endler’s guppies – Ideal temperature range: 64-82 F. These colorful and diverse livebearers are great tankmates for your catfish. They are docile, friendly, and easy-going, making them perfect for beginners. They also don’t need much swimming space. You can easily accommodate a school of 5-8 in a 20-gallon setup.
  • White cloud mountain minnows – Ideal temperature range: 64-72 F. White minnows only grow up to 2 inches and can adapt to environments of all builds and sizes. 20 gallons are more than enough for a compact school of 6-8 individuals. They are also peaceful and friendly, so they won’t bother your catfish.
  • Celestial pearl danio – Ideal temperature range: 72-79 F. They won’t go below 72 F, but this is typically enough to pair them with a variety of catfish breeds. These fish only grow to 1 inch, and they’re pretty low maintenance. You can easily house a decent school in a 10-15-gallon setup.
  • Fancy goldfish – Ideal temperature range: 50-74 F. This species is probably the most adaptable you can find in terms of temperature adaptation. The problem is that Corydoras aren’t exactly compatible with goldfish. Especially if you’re going for a larger goldfish species that could target your catfish for food. Also, goldfish are notoriously messy, requiring a lot more tank maintenance and cleaning.


While Corydoras can adapt to colder waters, you want to provide them with stable water temperatures to prevent all of the health problems we’ve mentioned.

Alas, it’s good to know that your catfish can adapt and withstand some temperature variation should the situation ever arise.

Author Image Fabian
I’m Fabian, aquarium fish breeder and founder of this website. I’ve been keeping fish, since I was a kid. On this blog, I share a lot of information about the aquarium hobby and various fish species that I like. Please leave a comment if you have any question.
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