What is the Best Temperature for Betta Fish?

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Betta fish can be very strict when it comes to water temperatures. As they are tropical fish, they require temperatures of at least 78-80 °F (25-27 °C).

Owning a betta fish means that you should try to stick to those temperatures for as long as possible. It might include having a water heater to keep the temperatures high.

Of course, bettas are quite adaptable, so they can live in temperatures that are slightly lower, but they should never get lower than 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Even the smallest change in the temperatures can cause an immense amount of stress, leading to health problems and possible diseases.

And you don’t want your betta to get sick or stressed because of your fault. You should try to perform water temperature checks as often as possible, but at least once a week.

Longer exposures to low temperatures can even cause death.

In this article, we will learn what are the best water temperatures for your betta fish. We will also take a look at how to maintain those temperatures in the long-term, and why it is so important.

Consider your water temperatures to be very important for keeping your bettas happy and healthy.

Minimum Water Temperature for Betta

In general, the absolute minimal temperature that your betta can survive is 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Although that temperature is already on the lower end of the scale of the temperatures for bettas. Ideally, you will try to increase the temperature to at least 75 °F.

Anything lower than 72 degrees Fahrenheit can cause many problems for your betta fish. For one, if they are kept in temperatures lower than that for prolonged periods, they can experience temperature shock, which causes a great deal of stress on your betta fish. Your fish might not even be able to recover from that, and it can cause death.

The challenge for betta owners is keeping the water temperatures at the required levels for prolonged periods of time. If the temperatures get below the threshold of the betta, their health will deteriorate.

And the lower the temperatures are, the quicker they will start to suffer. Perform regular water temperature checks, and of course, don’t forget to buy a heater.

Maximum Water Temperature for Betta

On the other hand, you should never exaggerate with water temperatures. The maximum temperature that a betta can survive is 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Although it can survive in higher temperatures, it will only be for a short amount of time before you see health problems and eventually, death.

You should never go above 81-82 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature should constantly be around 80 degrees, and to as low as 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Above 80 degrees, you are risking your betta’s life. If the temperature is as high as that for longer periods, you are basically cooking your fish very slowly, leading to a certain and untimely death.

Just like the low temperatures, the temperatures that are too high can lead to health problems. Eventually, the fish will become stressed, and this stress can lead to various disease, and organ failures. Over time, high temperatures can also lead to the death of your betta. Keeping a balance is the key to water temperatures.

Do Betta Fish Need a Heater?

Of course, it is one of the most important things to buy if you want to have a betta fish. Without a water heater, the temperatures would get unbearably low for your bettas, and will be closer to the room temperatures.

Some owners think that if the tank is exposed to the sun, it will provide natural light and heat, which would be enough for the bettas. That couldn’t be further from the truth; the sun alone isn’t enough to bring the heat, especially in the areas where the winters are cold.

In fact, the sun can cause more problems than harm. Too much exposure to the sun can lead to stress and can deteriorate health. Plus, the temperatures will almost never be at the required levels for your bettas.

On the other hand, if you opt to have a heater, you can always regulate the temperatures with your water, and you will almost never get below or above the levels required by the betta fish.

Plus, heaters are not that expensive. Generally, it would not be a bad idea to spend some extra on a good heater.

Having good equipment such as heaters and filters can lead to a much-improved environment for your bettas, and can increase the quality of life a lot. A good heater will allow you to precisely measure the temperatures, and set the temperatures to desired levels.

Why Keep Betta Fish Water Stable?

Keeping the water parameters at the right levels is absolutely essential for enabling your bettas to live long and be healthy. Not just the temperatures, but other parameters such as the PH levels and softness can impact your bettas more than you think.

That is why constant checks and measurements are so important. Also, don’t neglect the importance of regular maintenance, as it can improve the water, and consequently, improve the quality of life for your bettas.

The water temperature is arguably the most important factor when it comes to water parameters. If the water temperatures get too low, it can cause a lot of harm to your fish. On the other hand, water that is too warm can slowly kill your fish as well, so keeping check of the water parameters is essential for longer survival times.

Also, doing regular cleanups and water changes is also very important. With regular water checks, you can determine whether the water has the right parameters, and performing regular water changes can improve the quality of the water massively.

Usually, changing the water once or twice a month is enough to provide a good quality of water for your bettas. Over time, a lot of debris and unwanted chemicals can gather in the water, which can harm your fish significantly.

Can a Betta Fish Recover from Temperature Shock?

Temperature shock in betta fish occurs when the betta is placed into an environment where the temperatures are very different from their previous environment. Additionally, it can happen if the temperatures change very quickly, or over a short period of time.

A betta that has temperature shock will appear lethargic and its movement will be decreased. It can happen when you purchase a betta and then move it to your tank for the first time, or if the heater stops suddenly working for some reason.

A betta can recover from a temperature shock if it is provided with the right conditions to live in. That means adjusting the water parameters so that they are at the required levels for them to survive.

In some cases, severe temperature shock can even cause death, so be very wary when you put your betta into your new fish tank, or if you are getting it for the first time.


Bettas are tropical animals, which means that they prefer to live in warmer waters. Owning a betta fish means that you will have to take care of the water temperature in the tank.

It also includes having a heater, which is an important piece of equipment if you own a betta fish.

Author Image Fabian
I’m Fabian, aquarium fish breeder and founder of this website. I’ve been keeping fish, since I was a kid. On this blog, I share a lot of information about the aquarium hobby and various fish species that I like. Please leave a comment if you have any question.
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