7 Best Aquarium Cooler / Chiller for Different Size Fish Tanks

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If you’re looking for an aquarium cooler device, you arrived on the perfect page. In this article, we’ll talk about the 7 best aquarium coolers or chillers, for different size fish tanks.

After I give you an overview of each of the 7 products, we’ll see why you should use one and how to choose one for your tank.

So, let’s start with the first device:

1. IceProbe Thermoelectric Aquarium Chiller

This is our first choice when it comes to cooling down an aquarium environment. What does this device come with and how does it perform?

First of all, you should know that installing it besides your tank is quite easy. This is something many newcomers look for, in such a device. The IceProbe will be set up in a few minutes, just by plugging it into a power source, and bulkheading it through a 1 ¼ inch hole, even directly into the tank.

However, you can connect it to the tank using siphon overflows, prefilters or sumps. But the easiest method is the one I described at first above. Will it cool the tank as expected?

Yes, it can cool down aquariums with fairly big volumes of water. For instance, you can cool down a tank, that contains 40 gallons of water.

However, it is recommended to use multiple devices, if you want to cool down even more water than that. You can plug 2 or 3 IceProbes to a single aquarium, to work in sink. This way, even more than 100 gallons of water can be cooled down efficiently.

The IceProbe comes with a 1-year warranty, so if anything happens while you’re using it, just send it back, and they will resolve the issue for free.


2. Active Aqua AACH10HP Water Chiller Cooling System

Another great choice for cooling down a fish tank, is the Active Aqua Water Chiller. What makes it a good choice for this purpose? Let’s see!

The first thing, is that you can cool down a large capacity of water using this device. It works with aquariums, that have up to 50 gallons of water in them. Of course, just like with the previous device, you can use multiple ones in sink, to cool down even more water at the same time.

It isn’t using Freon as a refrigerator substance, instead it goes with R410a. Also, it’s made of non-corrosive metal, titanium more exactly, so you can use it with salt and freshwater as well.

Considering its power capacity, it can cool down from 1500 to 4000 liters of water during the span of one hour.

Each unit comes with a user-friendly temperature system, that is used to easily control the desired temperature in the aquarium. Also, the dashboard has a boost function, which allows for a quicker water-cooling process, if you want quick results.

To make it work, you just have to connect it to a pump, a power source and to the aquarium itself. The set-up is quite easy to manage, without the need of too much technical knowledge.


3. Happybuy 70W/100W Aquarium Water Chiller

This is a product, best for those who need an all in one solution for cooling the tank water. It comes with the following items included in the package:

  • Water chiller device
  • Water pump
  • Hose (2 meters in length)
  • 2 hose buckles
  • 1 power adapter and 1 power cable

This device comes with a bigger LCD screen and user-friendly controls, to help you set the water temperature and other settings easily. Also, the big screen will come in handy when you want to check the current temperature in the tank, from time to time. The chiller also lets you switch the temperature display between degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius.

This water cooler is used for both fresh water and salt water tanks, as well as plant tanks, that require a special temperature. It won’t bother your fish in any way, because it was built to work at a low noise output.

If you want a water cooler that won’t eat up a lot of energy, this is the choice for you. It was designed to work as a low power consumer, thus making sure your electric bill stays low.

You can set the temperature from anywhere between 10 degrees Celsius, up to 40 degrees. The device will do the rest, due to its intelligent cooling system.


4. ISTA Cooling System

The ISTA Cooling System is a simple water cooler, used with both fresh water and salt water fish tanks. It could be a great choice, just like the previous devices from above.

It comes with a power adapter and cable in the package, plus the cooler itself. This device however, is a little different from the ones I already talked about. In what way?

The main part of this cooler, is a fan, that will be used to chill the water. Basically, this is the simplest method used to cool down a fish tank. Due to this, the installation is a piece of cake. All you need to do, is plug the power adapter into the power source, and fit the cooler on your tank. The rest is up to the device to handle.

The ISTA water chiller is designed for smaller fish tanks, that are around 40cm in length. Due to its build, it is a little noisy compared to the other device on this list. It’s a fan after all.

I recommend this device, if you’re a newcomer to fish keeping, and you own a small aquarium, that needs cool water. This device will do the job perfectly, but if you own a bigger tank, with more water, a more professional item would do better.


5. Petzilla Aquarium Chiller

Like its name suggests, the Petzilla fish tank cooler is a beast of a device. It was designed as a fan system, similar to the previous I talked about just now. The difference is, that the Petzilla works better for big fish tanks, because it is a multiple fan system.

It is comprised of 4 separate fans, that work in sink, to cool down the aquarium’s water. However, this item is not created to cool down a tank dramatically. If you want a device that keeps your water 3 or 4 degrees Celsius colder, than its normal temperature, than the Petzilla is for you.

You can set it up very easily, and it comes with the possibility of a wide-angle adjustment, so your tank will be easier to cool down. It requires no assembly, you just take it out of the box, and install it on the side of the tank.

This version is great for bigger aquariums. However, the Petzilla comes in smaller variants too. There are 3 other versions: one composed of only a single fan, another that’s made up of 2 and a third one with 3 fans in one device.

Choosing the best one, is really up to you. For a big tank, the one with 3 or 4 fans is best. But for smaller aquariums, an inferior Petzilla can also do the job well.


6. BOYU iPettie Aquarium Cooling System Fan Chiller

This is the second last item on our list, and it’s also a great choice, if you’re looking for a fan-based aquarium cooling system. Like the previous 2 devices, the BOYU iPettie is another cooling system, that’s made up of multiple fans: 3 to be exact.

The installation is very simple, since it doesn’t require any assembly to be done. All you need to do, is plug it into the power source, and clip it on the side of your aquarium. The angle is also adjustable, so all that remains to be done, is set it in the right position, and begin the cooling.

This device is recommended for fish tanks, that are up to 32 liters in volume. That is approximately 8 gallons of water. Because of this, beginner fish keepers will find it a good choice. Especially, if you own a small tank, with not too many fish.

To make the most out of the cooling system, you have to keep it running for at least 24 hours, when you first turn it on. That’s because it needs some time to cool down the water, and reach a point where it can keep it at the chosen temperature.

Due to its low power consumption, you don’t have to worry about a high functioning cost either.


7. Aquarium Cooling Fan ColdWind

This is the last product on the list, but it doesn’t mean it’s any worse than the others. Actually, the ColdWind is just as efficient as the other cooling devices, that are based on a fan.

Yes, the ColdWind water chiller, consists in 2 fans that are working together to cool down the water in the aquarium. Just like the previous items, this one is also very easy to install, just by plugging it into the power source and clipping it to the side of your fish tank.

Though before doing that, you should keep attention to the power switch, for it to be off-line. Otherwise, if you plug it into the wall, you may risk to break it.

It comes with a wide-angle setting, separately for each fan. This means that you can set each fan separately, to cool different areas of the tank. Because of this, the cooling can be done more efficiently, since you’re going to chill the water from 2 different directions.

Just like other water coolers that use fans, this one will also cool the water down 2 to 4 degrees Celsius. To reach the set-out temperature, you should keep the device working for 24 hours at the beginning.


Now that we learned about all the best aquarium cooling devices, we will move one, and talk about 3 more subjects. Let’s starts with the first one and see why you should use an aquarium cooling device in the first place:

Why You Should Use an Aquarium Cooler?

The first reason for using an aquarium cooler, is the most obvious one: if you own fish breeds that need colder water to thrive in, you will need a water chiller, to keep the temperature at the required level.

Since most aquariums are kept in the house, the water will most likely take the temperature of the air inside of the room. There are certain fish species that need colder water, than the temperature you live in. This is why an aquarium cooler is a must-have for many fish keepers.

Another reason for owning an aquarium cooler, is the fact that without it, you can’t keep the water at a certain temperature. If your fish need colder water to live in, you can take and put such water inside the tank. However, as time passes, it will get warmer, and it won’t be suitable for your marine life.

A good water cooler, will not only cool down the water, but also keep it at an optimum temperature, for your fish to thrive in the tank. Now, let’s see how can you choose the best water chiller for your tank:

How to Choose an Aquarium Chiller for Your Aquarium Size?

How to Choose an Aquarium Chiller or Cooler?

How to Choose an Aquarium Chiller or Cooler?

Depending on your aquarium’s size, you will need a certain type of water cooler. Before in the article, I introduced you to the best aquarium water coolers on the market.

You can see that there are different types of such devices: ones that work with fans and ones that cool the water by pumping it through the device, and cooling it directly.

Which one is best for your needs? A bigger fish tank will work better with a device that pumps the water through it. Why? Because such a device can cool bigger volumes of water, than the other versions. And it can result in much colder water, than with using a fan cooler.

However, if you only need to cool the water down a few degrees, a fan cooler can do the job very well. Of course, if your tank is quite big, you will need to choose a device that is capable of cooling down that much water.

For example, a fish tank that is 30 gallons in volume, could use the Petzilla Aquarium Chiller or the Active Aqua Cooler, depending on how much cooling you want. Both of these devices can accomplish the job.

Best Ways to Cool Aquarium Water

If you need to cool down your fish tank, there are certain methods you can try, besides using a water cooler device. These can supplement the use of a chiller.

For example, to keep the water at the required colder temperature, you could keep the room itself at a colder temperature. This way, the water won’t get warmer too easily.

Another way to accomplish this, is too remove the hood from your tank. Of course, do this only if your fish won’t jump out of it. If you can do it, this can be a great method to remove the excess warmth from the water, through the top of the aquarium.

Using the water filter. If you use a water filter (which is quite likely), you could run the water through a box of ice cubes, and cool it down this way. However, this method can prove to be too efficient.

If your tank is small, don’t use this method. The water temperature could drop dramatically, thus hurting your fish. It is recommended to use this process, only if you own a big enough tank, 20 or 30 gallons at least.

The last way to keep your water at lower temperatures is too turn off the lights. Of course, this only works if your fish live well in such conditions. But if they do, this can be a good way to reduce the water temperature, because lights produce a lot of heat, thus warming up the tank constantly.


In this article, you learned all there is about cooling down a fish tank. At first, I told you about the 7 best water cooler devices, you could buy for your aquarium. Any of these can prove to be a good choice, depending on your aquarium’s size of course.

If you want to use such a device, I also told you how to choose the best version for your needs, and why you could need one in the first place. Of course, for it to work even better, you can help the cooling process by applying some of the methods I mentioned right above.

Author Image Fabian
I’m Fabian, aquarium fish breeder and founder of this website. I’ve been keeping fish, since I was a kid. On this blog, I share a lot of information about the aquarium hobby and various fish species that I like. Please leave a comment if you have any question.
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